Should you build your own tooling, take a “best of breed” approach, or buy a turnkey data engineering platform? We’ve got you covered.
Data Engineering Platforms: Build, Best of Breed, or Buy?
Every company wants to be data-driven. Modern organizations that thrive based on data have a common strength: a solid data engineering practice. How can you best enable your data engineering team to keep up with the demands of the business? Enter the Data Engineering Platform.

As they’re relatively new to the market, teams may be challenged to determine whether it’s best to buy a platform off-the-shelf, build one in-house, or take a “best of breed” approach. Our newest guide, Data Engineering Platforms: Build, Best of Breed, or Buy? offers a practical approach to figuring out just how to go about transforming your data engineering practice. The guide covers:
- An overview of the modern data engineering platform
- Key considerations regarding your business needs and resources
- Core components of a data engineering platform
Data Engineering Transformation Questionnaire
In addition to the guide, your download comes with an optional questionnaire. When you let us know a bit more about your team, goals, and what you’re looking for in this upcoming transformation, we’ll send you back a personalized recommendation.
There are many factors to consider as you endeavor to transform your data engineering practice. Whether you have a hunch about which approach is best for your company, or if you are brand new to discovering data engineering platforms and tooling, we’re excited to help you navigate the process by sharing some of our best wisdom.